Home > News > Public Relations > Invitation to students of Suan Sunanda Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus Participating in the Club's Open World Activities for the Academic Year 2024
Invitation to students of Suan Sunanda Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus Participating in the Club's Open World Activities for the Academic Year 2024

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2024-09-02 09:14:09

Invite students of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus to join the club opening activity for the academic year 2024

On September 5, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the lobby of the 1st floor of the Sri Sunandha Building, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus
There will be booths for various clubs to promote club activities and recruit new student club members as follows:
Faculty/College Clubs
1. Happiness Promotion Club
2. Allied Health Club, Suan Sunandha Community Development Volunteers
3. Sa'suk Rak Yim Club
4. Medical Secretary Club, Rural Development Volunteers
5. Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Club
Central Clubs
1. Thanyarak Club
2. Red Cross Youth Volunteers Club

Students who participate in the activity will receive 6 activity hours.
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