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Know this and you won't be defeated! How to protect yourself from monkeypox? What should you do?

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2024-09-02 09:13:09

Know this and you won't be defeated! How to protect yourself from monkeypox? What should you do?

1. Avoid contact with people who have a rash and suspect monkeypox.
2. Avoid having sex with people you don't know.
3. Do not touch the blisters, pustules, or wounds of infected animals or wild animal carcasses, and do not consume undercooked meat.
4. Wear a mask.
5. Wash your hands frequently.
6. Do not share personal items with others.
7. If you suspect that you are infected, isolate yourself from your family/close contacts and see a doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.
Information from the AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Division, Department of Disease Control 
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