Home > News > Public Relations > NHSOC invites people who have a gold patent or 30-baht card in case of 32 minor illnesses or basic nursing care such as wound dressing can receive the service at the warm community nursing clinic near their home free of charge.
NHSOC invites people who have a gold patent or 30-baht card in case of 32 minor illnesses or basic nursing care such as wound dressing can receive the service at the warm community nursing clinic near their home free of charge.

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลและสุขภาพ
2024-01-16 08:37:20

NHSOC invites people who have a gold patent or 30-baht card in case of 32 minor illnesses or basic nursing care such as wound dressing can receive the service at the warm community nursing clinic near their home free of charge. 

No matter which medical facility the gold patent is in, you can come in and receive the service. No need to waste time going to the hospital.  All Thais can receive contraceptives, condoms, antenatal care and 7 other prophylactic services for free.  For more information https://www.nhso.go.th/news/4234 For more information, please contact 

1. NHSOC Hotline 1330 

2. Online Channel 

• Line NHSOC Type your Line ID @nhso or click https://lin.ee/zzn3pU6 

• Facebook : National Health Security Office https://www.facebook.com/NHSO.Thailand 

• LINE Traffy Fondue is a LINE friend Search for @traffyfondue ID or click on the https://lin.ee/nwxfnHw 

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