Home > News > News Activities > Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus Invites executives, lecturers, staff and first-year students to join the Teachers' Day ceremony for the academic year 2024
Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus Invites executives, lecturers, staff and first-year students to join the Teachers' Day ceremony for the academic year 2024

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2024-09-20 08:52:17

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus
Invites executives, lecturers, staff and first-year students to join the Teachers' Day ceremony for the academic year 2024
On Thursday, October 3, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Benchasiladon Auditorium, 2nd floor, Sri Sunandha Building, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Samut Songkhram Campus

You can register your intention to join the activity via the following link:
1) Executives, lecturers and staff:
2) Students:

1. The said activity is an activity based on the performance evaluation indicators.
2. First-year students who participate in the activity Will receive 6 activity hours.
. Dress code
Administrators/Professors: Formal attire, wearing academic robes
Personnel: Formal attire, wearing university suits
Students: Student uniforms in accordance with regulations