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“Suan Sunandha” 20-time Rajabhat Champion

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2024-07-24 12:57:14

“Suan Sunandha” 20-time Rajabhat Champion
Ranking aims to measure academic work published on the internet.
In addition to works that have been published in journals or others.
By measuring the ability to be “Electronics University (E-university)”
Rating information 
Public Relations and Audiovisual Equipment Department, Central Division, Office of the President
IG : ssru_official
Line: @482vxgab
Twitter : ssru_official
E-mail : pr@ssru.ac.th
#ssru #student #university #Suan Sunandha #Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University #SUANSUNANDHARAJABHATUNIVERSITY #Child 68 #Apply for study #Bachelor's degree #tcas68