Home > News > awards > The College of Nursing and Health would like to express our appreciation and honor to Ms. Phakamas Phothisri, professional nurse, Medpark Hospital, alumni, class 4 “Pumping the heart to save the life of an unconscious patient at the BANGKOK AIRWAYS LANNA
The College of Nursing and Health would like to express our appreciation and honor to Ms. Phakamas Phothisri, professional nurse, Medpark Hospital, alumni, class 4 “Pumping the heart to save the life of an unconscious patient at the BANGKOK AIRWAYS LANNA

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2024-09-02 08:32:42

The College of Nursing and Health would like to express our appreciation and honor toMs. Phakamas Phothisri, professional nurse, Medpark Hospital, alumni, class 4
“Pumping the heart to save the life of an unconscious patient at the BANGKOK AIRWAYS LANNA HALF MARATHON 2024 on August 25, 2024”
Clip of the event: 
Sacrificing, using knowledge and skills in nursing to help others immediately, having a volunteer spirit, doing good deeds that are recognized by society, is a good example for fellow nurses.
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