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30 baht treatment everywhere at quality drugstores, expanding minor illness care to 32 symptom groups, starting September 3, 2024

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2024-09-03 08:31:42

30 baht treatment everywhere at quality drugstores, expanding minor illness care to 32 symptom groups, starting September 3, 2024

Good news for the 30 baht gold card, the NHSO, together with the Pharmacy Council, has expanded the group of minor illnesses from 16 symptoms to 32 symptoms. Consult a pharmacist and receive medicine according to your symptoms at quality drugstores free of charge. The service will start from September 3, 2024 onwards.

32 symptoms include:
1. Dizziness
2. Headache
3. Joint pain/muscle pain
4. Toothache
5. Menstrual pain
6. Stomachache
7. Diarrhea
8. Constipation/hemorrhoids
9. Painful urination
10. Vaginal discharge
11. Ulcers
12. Skin rashes
13. Eye symptoms
14. Ear symptoms
15. Fever, cough, sore throat
16. COVID infection
17. Runny nose, stuffy nose
18. Mouth ulcers
19. Blisters in the mouth
20. Mild hot water burns
21. Itchy skin/head
22. Symptoms from parasites
23. Symptoms from scabies, lice
24. Abscesses, pus on the skin
25. Numbness/tingling
26. Insomnia
27. Motion sickness, seasickness
28. Loss of appetite without comorbidities
29. Nausea, vomiting
30. Allergic reactions to medicines/minor food allergies/insect bites
31. Illness from smoking
32. Gingivitis/bad breath

• New options, convenient, no need to wait in line, close to home
• No matter where your gold card is, you can use it
• No charge, just use your ID card
• Follow-up on symptoms within 3-5 days
• Patients must come to receive services at the store
• Dispensing medicine is at the discretion of the pharmacist

Easy to use, just look for the 30 baht symbol, treat everywhere or My Quality Pharmacy

See the list of participating pharmacies https://mishos.nhso.go.th/nhso4/inno_nearby# (Select the desired area and select a quality pharmacy)

For more information, please contact:
1. NHSO Hotline 1330
2. Online channels
• NHSO Line, type Line ID @nhso or click https://lin.ee/zzn3pU6
• Facebook: National Health Security Office https://www.facebook.com/NHSO.Thailand

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